So, the infinite wisdom of Carrie Bradshaw strikes again. I just finished watching the episode where big gets engaged, and the girls compare it to "The Way We Were," with Robert Redford (Hubbell) and Barbra Streisand (Katie) . Then I thought to myself, oh my god... they're right. There have been a few guys that have passed in and out of my life this year, and suddenly it all made sense. Carrie said to the other girls "There are two types of of women in the world. Normal Girls, and Katie's." I couldn't help but laugh, because it's so true. In the movie Katie has Curly hair, so she's wild. Then Hubbell ends up with a straight haired girl, so she's calmer. Get the metaphor? Well I am clearly a curly Katie...
So this year we'll call him boy #1, I was too Katie for. And believe it or not, he now likes a straight haired girl... fancy that. Boy #2... well he really has nothing to do with this scenario, but that just fell apart. And then- this is really interesting- boy #3 was too Katie for ME! He apparently was telling everyone how I was the one he wanted to settle down and have a real committed relationship with. But I'll be honost with you, I don't think he is capable yet of having one of those.
And now there's Jason. Carrie left the episode with a great quote, “Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they just need to run free til they find someone just as wild to run with them.” And for me, right now.. that person I want to run wild with is him... and I can actually be "a Katie" again. A little ironic, huh? :)